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As an established company with over two decades of experience offering IT consultation across the digital spectrum encompassing areas of web and app development, cross platform marketing, cyber security, mobile, and advanced innovative digital solutions within the fields of broadcasting, e-commerce, financial, film, legal services, music, sports, and digital public relations, we fully comprehend the demands of modern-day business from the perspectives of large corporations evolving in the marketplace and implementing legislation prompted by changes in the public sector, to SMEs looking to adapt in the face of changing trends offset by unexpected events such as the COVID pandemic. In an ever-increasing world of complex and fragmented platforms, methods of distribution and monetisation, we endeavour to keep abreast of the latest consumer trends and behaviours, providing our clients with the most up-to-date information and cutting-edge digital solutions.

On the face of business, we are fundamentally a problem-solving organisation to IT conundrums. Modern day digital assets have become an integral aspect of our everyday lives and as experts in the field, we have seen the sector develop leaps and bounds over the years, connecting people instantaneously around the globe that once would have been arduous. Indeed, the IT vocabulary has emerged as the unofficial universal language of the world. However, in the face of advancement we have neglected issues that have increasingly widened with fast development. Issues such as the lack of representation of gender, ethnic minorities, disability and ageism has continually plagued the tech sector and subsequent applications that have become fundamental to people’s everyday lives. Despite decades of progress towards workplace equality, women remain underrepresented in the UK’s technology workforce. According to the UK think tank WISE, just 23% of the people working in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) roles are female, and only 5% of leadership positions in the technology industry are held by women. Research by the BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT, paints an even bleaker picture of the UK’s technology sector showing signs that it is suffering from a diversity issue. Focusing specifically on the UK labour force, although we would expect this trend to be globally representative if not worst considering the historical context of xenophobia in developed and developing nations and subsequent implementation of change, 18% of all IT workers are from BAME backgrounds; 11% of IT specialists have a disability, and 22% of IT workers were over the age of 50. Figures suggest some underrepresented groups in tech hold fewer senior roles despite being more highly educated than others, and some groups earning less than their counterparts.