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World Music Awards


The World Music Awards needed a dynamic website and in-built interactive voting system accessible on all mobile devices. A sleek site that had to be lightweight enough to load rapidly while still holding large hi-res images. Social media integration and placeholders to allow for later advertising monetisation. Blog management and search engine optimisation required.


A website comprising of full page image sliders with a responsive mobile-ready design. Weekly artwork creation and upload management. Futerproofed against new development by using HTML5-ready design. Full social media integration with synergistic branding throughout all platforms.


  • Concrete5 cms with bespoke design
  • Mobile ready voting web application
  • Weekly website content asset creation
  • Weekly social media marketing
  • Weekly social media banner asset creation
  • It/web support
  • Results
  • Captured 1 million email addressesfrom over 80 countries
  • 47 million total pages views
  • 7.5 million international unique visits
  • Increased average time spent navigating on the site from 1 minute to 5 minutes
  • Produced a secure database of 1500 votable artists


  • Captured 1 million email addressesfrom over 80 countries
  • 47 million total pages views
  • 7.5 million international unique visits
  • Increased average time spent navigating on the site from 1 minute to 5 minutes
  • Produced a secure database of 1500 votable artists


Contact us |
Telephone: +44 333 303 4737 (London, United Kingdom)


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